Aakruthi Karri

Country: The Netherlands
Subject of study: Law
Year of graduation: 2020
Type/Level of study: Undergraduate

What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?

I enjoyed the challenging and interesting modules I had taken in third year, since I was able to choose a variety from Company Law and Public International Law to a French language module with the Foreign Language Centre (FLC). This allowed for me to use my academic ability to the full extent, it increased my passion for Law and made me realise that I was more interested in policies, their making and implementation.

Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?

DofE Coordinator and Equipment Secretary at Scouts, Guides and DofE at the University of Exeter (SAGE), Model United Nations at the University of Exeter (EXMUN), RAG, Exeter University Netball Club (EUNC), Exeter European Law Society (EELS), Exepose, Exeter University Concert band (EUCB), Exeter University Modern Orchestra (EUMO), Publicity Officer at Footlights’ Pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?

I’ve enjoyed all of the syndicates and seminars I attended. It gave me the opportunity to make friends on my course and understand any concepts I struggled with. On the non-academic side, the highlight has been the various societies’ socials I attended, which involved activities like: Camping, playing at concerts and music festivals, pub quizzes, snack pimping, and canoeing. 

What will you miss the most about University?

I will miss the beauty of the campus and being a student in the Law School, as well as the societies that I was a part of. I will also miss all the friends I’ve made.

What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)

 Exeter is a wonderful place! Join as many societies as possible, explore all of your interests. Stay on top of your workload, try and do the extra reading as well as the formatives.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I will be pursuing a masters in International Relations with the hope of having a career in lobbying for and implementing policies.


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