Aidan Cockle

Country: United Kingdom
Subject of study: Arabic and Islamic Studies
Year of graduation: 2024
Type/Level of study: Undergraduate

What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?

Amazing opportunities to travel, with a year abroad, a term abroad, and grants for studying Arabic abroad outside of term time. Also, the world-class expertise in the IAIS.

Some of the students we are profiling have been awarded a departmental prize or award in recognition of their exceptional achievements. If this applies to you, please can you tell us about this and what it means to you?

Tom Fattorini prize for best performance in an MA programme. Howard Feurtado prize for best Dissertation.

I really put my all into my final Dissertation, and I think it’s a piece of work that truly represents my unique skills and interests, as well as everything I’ve learned during my time at University. Receiving an award for it feels like the ultimate recognition of my hard work.

Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?

I was Vice President of the Calisthenics Society in my 3rd year, and involved in the society throughout my time at University.

What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?

 Spending every day on a campus that thoroughly facilitated my development – academic, social, fitness, and more.

What will you miss the most about University?

The many communities I was a part of – academic, sporting, and otherwise.

What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)

 Get involved. 3 or 4 years for a degree seems like a long time when you’re staring it down from the beginning, but it will pass by fast. Make the most of your time at University by getting involved in something (anything!) outside of your studies. There is a wealth of societies and communities to explore.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

Working and saving up some money before relocating (within the UK or back to the MENA/SWANA region) to find work in my field!


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