Gabrielle Cameron

Country: United Kingdom
Sector: Accounting
Job title: Senior Consultant
Subject of study: Law
Year of graduation: 2011
Type/Level of study: Undergraduate

Current Employer/Organisation Name

Ernst & Young

What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?

After I graduated from the University of Exeter (Tremough campus) in 2011, I moved to China for a year to teach English as a foreign language to young children. I returned to Bristol (my home city) in 2012 to study the Legal Practice Course at BPP Law School, intent at the time on becoming a solicitor focusing on corporate law. Following completion of the LPC and whilst looking for a legal training contract, I started working at Lloyds Banking Group in the Commercial Banking Recoveries team, liaising with customers in financial difficulties. I worked in Recoveries for a year, before moving to London in 2014 to join the Group Corporate Treasury Legal team where I supported the lawyers. I was there for less than 6 months before I was offered a place on Lloyds Banking Group’s Risk Graduate scheme. After much deliberation, not least because I was moving away from my original plan to work in a law firm, I accepted the 2 year Risk Graduate scheme. The scheme involved me completing 4 x 6 month Risk placements across the Bank, 2 of which were outside of London: Wales and Scotland. I then worked as a Risk Manager for 2 years before deciding to continue my Risk career at Ernst & Young. My current role is a Senior Consultant in Financial Services Risk Management. I advise financial services organisations on risk management and regulatory matters.

Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?

The Risk Graduate scheme in the Bank was a great place to kick start my career, and it attracted me towards financial services risk management because of the endless opportunities and the wide range of stakeholders that I have an opportunity to deal with. I’ve recently started my job at Ernst and Young and what I enjoy most is the huge amount of learning and research opportunities there are. I can really utilise my legal skills through analysing and applying regulation from Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. I really enjoy the complexities involved in terms of regulatory change and specific client needs.

What did you enjoy most about studying here?

I really enjoyed studying in Falmouth because Cornwall is so beautiful and there’s so much to explore. Being able to study on the beach was perfect in the summer. Also, there was a real sense of community at the campus, and it was great meeting people across a wide range of courses – both from University of Exeter and Falmouth College of Arts.

Why did you choose to study at Exeter?

Skills: Critical thinking skills developed through my Law Degree, which have been invaluable throughout my career Experiences: Teaching English and travelling in China.

What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?

Skills: Critical thinking skills developed through my Law Degree, which have been invaluable throughout my career Experiences: Teaching English and travelling in China – it really helped me grow as a person which has been invaluable for me personally and professionally.

What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?

I highly recommend a career in financial services; my advice is stay open minded with your career options and really put yourself out there in terms of networking and doing positive things that make yourself stand out from the crowd. It’s also worth keeping up to date with what’s going on in the financial services world by reading the Financial Times and the Economist and always thinking about what this really means from a ‘big picture’ perspective

What are your plans for the future?

To remain open minded as to my career path, and to be successful!


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