Jessica Whittick

Country: United Kingdom
Sector: Law
Job title: Litigation Solicitor
Subject of study: Law (European) / Law
Year of graduation: 2017
Type/Level of study: Postgraduate Taught, Undergraduate

Current Employer/Organisation Name

Tozers LLP

What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?

Litigation Solicitor specialising in intellectual property. Upon graduating I worked in an investigative role, identifying the supply chain of counterfeit goods and looking at how trade marks were being used across the world. I undertook the Legal Practice Course and commenced my training contract at Tozers in 2021. I qualified as a Solicitor in 2023 into the Litigation & Employment team where I am also instructed on data protection, equine, land and property and contractual disputes.

Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?

I chose this career to help people understand and use the law. I enjoy the amount of client contact and creative problem solving. I find working in intellectual property extremely rewarding because it is a complex area of law and working as a litigator involves drafting legal arguments, negotiating and spending time in Court. 

Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?

I was a member of the University of Exeter Athletics Club and was social secretary in my third year. I was also a member of the Classics Society.

What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?

Studying law was challenging and I always felt supported. Our lecturers were always helpful during office hours and I received excellent care for my additional needs as a dyslexic individual. The highlight of my studies was participating in the International Maritime Arbitration Moot, an international competition with 24 universities taking part. 

What did you enjoy most about studying here?

I enjoyed the incredible array of activities and opportunities available to students. In my first year I started working for the Pathways to Law programme, supporting year 12 and 13 students as they explored what studying a law degree would involve. I enjoyed the society socials and the fact that Exeter is a compact city. My evenings and weekends were also filled with beach trips, Dartmoor adventures and discovering seaside pubs.

Why did you choose to study at Exeter?

Three key reasons – the campus, the course and the city. I was transfixed when I visited campus and could easily envision myself there. When I heard about the dual qualification in English and German law I decided I had made up my mind and I was set on Exeter! I had spent time around Devon growing up and it felt familiar and friendly. It felt like the perfect mix of city and countryside. 

What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?

Being a lawyer is so much more than being a legal technician. We meet clients often at a very vulnerable time in their lives and it is important to practice active listening and be supportive. I developed strong communication skills from curricular and extra-curricular activities and activities like the mooting and being a mentor helped with my advocacy skills and negotiating skills. I greatly developed my research skills whilst studying law, and particularly the LLM where we interrogated legal questions in greater dept.

What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?

You are a product of your skills and experience and you have so much to offer a future employer. Don’t undersell yourself on your C.V. and get involved with things you are passionate about as that will always come across well in interviews. Take your time to find the right fit by examining whether your vision and values align with theirs. Don’t assume that you won’t have a work-life balance – I love practising law in the South West and spend most evenings down by the Quay, horse riding or sea swimming. 

What are your plans for the future?

I intend to stay in intellectual property law, broadening my skills and experience to provide the best service I can to clients. 


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