Monique Thompson

Country: United Kingdom
Subject of study: Law
Year of graduation: 2019
Type/Level of study: Undergraduate

What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?

My study abroad year at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

Some of the students we are profiling have been awarded a departmental prize or award in recognition of their exceptional achievements. If this applies to you, please can you tell us about this and what it means to you?

I have been awarded the Stephen Cretney prize for the highest mark in Family Law and the Bloomsbury award for the best Insurance Law student. I am delighted (and very surprised!) to have received these awards. It’s so nice to see all the hard work over four years finally pay off and I’m excited to see what is next!

Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?

BLS Careers Officer.

What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?

I really enjoyed working in syndicates in first and second year. I couldn’t have got through it all without the support of the other people in my syndicate and have made some amazing friends for life as well. 

What will you miss the most about University?

I’ll miss the people. I’m staying in Exeter for a while as I’m not ready to say goodbye properly yet but I know it won’t be the same without all the people who made my university experience.

What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)

 Make the most of every second as it’ll be over before you know it!

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I’m working in Exeter at the moment but long term I intend to apply for a Training Contract in London. I’d also like to do some more travelling at some point!


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