Samuel Lewis
What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?
The lecturers were incredibly helpful and dedicated to making their courses as enjoyable and educational as possible. Additionally being part of the UK top ranking Sport science department for research allowed me access and insight into world leading research in this area.
What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?
Learning interesting things and meeting new friends.
What will you miss the most about University?
I’m not really sure as I plan to continue education here.
What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)
Three things. Organisation and consistency are key to success. If you can correctly organise your time and understand when your assignment and exam dates are all you have to do then is make a study plan and stick to it. That might sound hard but if you just consistently dedicate a few hours a day to studying you’ll do well here or at any uni, the main cause of stress and poor grades in university is simply leaving things till the last minute (I know as I’ve done it and it was a bad move every time). Secondly, go looking for opportunities, Exeter has a lot of ways to help you with your course, your life and your employability, things you’d likely miss if not actively looking for the. E.g. Being able to book 1 to 1 meetings with lecturers if you need help, to get work experience and attend talks with world renowned researchers, Being able to apply for and get the “Exeter employability award” which is highly beneficial to your employment and being able to join societies and do fun new things whilst making new friends. All things you could miss if you aren’t out looking for them. Also If you are taking the Exercise and Sport science course, take the employability module, the impact that module alone can have upon your future career prospects is phenomenal. Due to this module alone i have gained work experience with the university’s Strength & Conditioning department as part of their high performance team, in addition to an internship with a local business designing nutritional leaflets and menus for the community, and have worked within the biomechanics labs with the Exeter chiefs sport science team. (And this isn’t including the improvements it made to my understanding of job applications, the improvements it made to my CV and cover letters and more).
What are your plans now that you have graduated?
To continue onto Masters level academic study.