Hannah Lindsay

Country: United Kingdom
Sector: Sports & Leisure
Job title: Retreat Partner
Subject of study: Theology and Religion
Year of graduation: 2020
Type/Level of study: Undergraduate

Current Employer/Organisation Name

Zen Jungle

What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?

Since leaving Exeter I have set up my own art business selling commissioned paintings, worked as a supporting artist in several high profile TV shows, films and commercials, and have now settled into a job in project management, coaching and marketing. In this job, I am working with a small team to set up a transformational retreat centred around mindfulness and helping people to love life. I am co managing a 40 acre site, overseeing site design, renovations and building. I am also learning about marketing including how to produce and edit promotional content. The other aspect of my job is co-creating the coaching package to train other coaches and teach guests when the retreat is up and running.

Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?

I chose this career because my dream job was always to be a “happiness coach”, which was a job I never thought existed. When this opportunity came along to work with like-minded people to co create a retreat to help people love life, I knew it was the perfect opportunity for me. I was always looking for a lifestyle more than a job, and here I am setting up 40 acres of land to be fully self sufficient and eco friendly, while living totally aligned with my highest self and helping others to do the same. I love all aspects of my work, from the beautiful site I live on, to the people, to the collective aim of the company.

Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?

The main society I was a part of was pole society. This was my favourite part of Exeter and I’ve stayed friends with the incredible people I met there since leaving, and still do the sport now

What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?

I enjoyed the freedom of choosing to learn about whatever topics interested me (which in my case was ancient West Asian religion) and the option to choose my own essay questions in pretty much every module. There was a lot of independence, and I always felt in control of the direction of my study, which I appreciated.

What did you enjoy most about studying here?

I enjoyed being able to study something that has always fascinated me, and having access to so many high level experts who were always willing to help and advise. Especially when writing my dissertation, my supervisor was amazing.

Why did you choose to study at Exeter?

I chose Exeter because it was such a green campus, with lots of open space to walk and be in nature. I like to be in the quiet and connect with the earth, and the campus and general city had lots of areas to do that. The lecturers were also really welcoming at the open day, which was a relief because as someone who didn’t study typical “academic” A levels, that wasn’t the reception I received at other high level universities.

What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?

Mostly critical thinking and questioning context. My course taught me to consider context a lot as I was studying religion, with an interest in ancient religion. This was very reliant on studying different contexts and cultures. In my line of work now, I am studying a lot of spiritual and philosophical concepts, and critical thinking is helpful for that.

What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?

Let go of attachments, focus on your inner journey. Everything that is meant for you will come to you if you are living in authenticity and alignment. As long as you are doing the inner work, and embodying the person you want to be, you will be where you are meant to be.

What are your plans for the future?

I don’t tend to think about the future, I am busy being present and enjoying all life has to offer right now. I trust the abundance of the universe, and know that as long as I am staying true to myself, I don’t need to worry about what’s to come, because I know it’s good.


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