Katherine Koster-Shadbolt
Current Employer/Organisation Name
Dartmoor National Park Authority
What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?
After graduating I spent a year volunteering at the Kalahari Meerkat Project as a research assistant before returning to the UK and taking up an Assistant Instructor role at an outdoor education centre. In this role I discovered how much I enjoyed working with young people with additional needs and from disadvantaged backgrounds and moved to a role where this was the focus. I spent four years working at a care farm and adventurous activity centre supporting young people in north east greater London who were excluded or at risk of exclusion from schools. However, the hills and the sea were calling me so I relocated to Exeter and was fortunate to secure a job with Dartmoor National Park Authority. I now lead on the national park’s engagement with 12-17 year olds by delivering a suite of programmes which focus on providing enjoyment and connection with the outdoors, understanding and respecting the landscape, and supporting health and wellbeing.
Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?
I love spending time in the great outdoors and my job allows me to do this whilst sharing this joy with others. Many young people have a disconnect with nature and I enjoy being able to facilitate their reimmersion in the natural world and seeing how they benefit. I also get to work with many partners and other organisations which means I am constantly learning more about the local landscape, communities, projects, and innovations.
Were you part of the Exeter Student Ambassador Scheme at any point during your studies?
Yes, I was a Student Ambassador throughout my studies and also held a Senior Student Ambassador role.
What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?
I learned so much through my course. The faculty staff were all so knowledgable, enthusiastic, and encouraging. The field trip opportunities and study abroad aspect were also fantastic and formative.
What did you most enjoy about studying here?
I loved living in a small coastal community with other like minded people. I really enjoyed the vounteer opportunities which allowed me to get out and explore Cornwall.
Why did you choose to study at Exeter?
The course content was perfect for me and I was keen to be able to include a Study Abroad year which Exeter offered. I immediately felt at home when I first visited Tremough Campus.
What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?
Tenacity! It is taken me a long time to be in a position where I feel valued in my role and I’m not compromising in my personal life. I went through a lot of job applications without much helpful feedback to help me improve my prospects. Eventually, everything fell into place all at once. I have also developed my self-reflection skills throughout my career which have enabled me to perform at my best and be a solid team player.
What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?
At uni I learnt about the value of networking but I didn’t understand how to do it and never felt that I knew enough or had enough clarity in what I wanted from a future career to speak confidently to professionals but I wish I had given it more of a go. I would encourage current students to make use of the Career Zone and any other opportunities that come your way – so many things come to you as a student, it’s much harder once you are out the other side. Unfortunately, in the environmental sector, experience (often unpaid) is key so keep your eyes peeled for any training days, work placements, or volunteer opportunities available and go for it if you are able to. Don’t be too modest about your skills and experiences, it’s a competitive field and you need to sell yourself.
What are your plans for the future?
I am fortunate to enjoy my work and see how it positively impacts others so I would like to continue with the work I am currently doing. Additionally, I would like to support Dartmoor National Park Authority in expanding its offer to local young people with a greater focus on health and wellbeing through a diverse catalogue of activities. I would also like to provide more opportunities for young adults (18-30) to increase their understanding of the landscape, enjoy the wellbeing benefits, and contribute to the management of the national park through Youth Voice. As is the nature of many jobs in the environmental sector, I am on a fixed term contract and funding is a challenge so anything could happen!