Max Bennett
What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?
Deepening my knowledge of such an interesting sector of law whilst sharing this space with so many amazing, like-minded people, both Student and Staff. Studying in such a great environment really made my time at Exeter that much more special.
Some of the students we are profiling have been awarded a departmental prize or award in recognition of their exceptional achievements. If this applies to you, please can you tell us about this and what it means to you?
I was awarded the LLM Commercial Law Prize for highest overall grade average in my degree programme. The path to this moment has been far from effortless, marked by its own set of challenges and learning experiences. However, it has reinforced my belief that perseverance and commitment to one’s goals paves the way for success. Regardless of where you have come from or where you are currently, this award shows that effort and perseverance is key.
Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?
Leadership of XRacing, Exeter’s Formula Student Team, Debating Representative of Flamank Law Society, Member of Debate Society, Model MUN, Business Society, Finance and Investment Society, Open Water Swimming Society
What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?
The highlight of my time at Exeter would have to be the culmination of XRacing’s year where we attended Silverstone Racetrack for the Formula Student competition at the end of the year. Being in such a collaborative group with not only Exeter students but all like-minded students from universities world-wide made that experience not only a great learning experience, but allowed me to take part in something as exciting as real motorsport.
What will you miss the most about University?
Exeter is such a great place to meet so many amazing people. Being part of that community for 4 years has really been so instrumental in my time being so magical. To say goodbye to what is the best group of people all in one place will surely be the thing I look back on most often.
What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)
Get stuck into everything you possibly can! Don’t know if you’ll be good at something? Find out! The breadth and richness of societies at Exeter makes it not only a great place to learn, but a great place to find passions and hobbies that you can keep up long after you leave university.
What are your plans now that you have graduated?
My plans now are to continue my journey into the legal world, either through a training contract, paralegal role or SQE course to become a fully qualified solicitor.