Maximilian Zimmer
What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?
One of my favourite aspects of the course was manufacturing different components using or verifying concepts that were taught. It is super satisfying to be able to see designs take form, especially when they function they way you expected them to.
Some of the students we are profiling have been awarded a departmental prize or award in recognition of their exceptional achievements. If this applies to you, please can you tell us about this and what it means to you?
I have been awarded deans commendations for academic achievements for all three years that I was at Exeter.
Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?
XRacing Formula Student, Windriders.
What was the highlight of your time at Exeter?
My absolute highlight of my years at Exeter was designing and building the XR06 Formula Student car with the XRacing Formula Student Team. Working with a great bunch of people on a project as exciting as a race-car has been an amazing experience and inspired me to pursue a career in automotive industry.
What will you miss the most about University?
Apart from all the great people I have met here, the thing I will miss the most is having the time and the many easy opportunities to try new things.
What advice would you give to current and future students? (If you are an international student what would you like to tell future students from back home who might be thinking about applying to study in Exeter?)
I would suggest to try as many different things possibly, as early as you can. Before you know it, three years will have gone by with a load of fun stuff still to do.
What are your plans now that you have graduated?
I am doing a MSc at Imperial College in London.