Meimei Wang
Current Employer/Organisation Name
What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?
2015.8-2016.7 – Internship Experience (3 different roles covering MKT, Finance, HR).
2016.7-Present – Full-time job at Werfen (China).
Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?
- Reason: I graduated with a BA in Business and Management. With four years’ worth of study experience in Exeter, I chose an MNC for my first career since English had been one of my strengths. I started my career as Commercial Operations Analyst. Since then, my main responsibility has been expanded from pricing analysis to business intelligence and sales reporting.
- Enjoy most about my work: The role is more business-related, and I have been fully involved in a full business process for all business units. With my job, I have good chances of growing my expertise in the industrial knowledge and whole operation of the company.
Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?
INTO Student Helper; Business Ambassador at Business School; Welcome Team.
Were you part of the Exeter Student Ambassador Scheme at any point during your studies?
What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?
Our programme included group assignments. I enjoyed the time we were given different roles or tasks for one topic. The biggest highlight was debating various reasons, data, understanding, etc. If my own opinion was listened to and agreed with, I would feel accomplished. Even when there were disagreements, I could learn from other ways of thinking and generate new understanding of our topics.
What did you enjoy most about studying here?
The staff at the Business School are very supportive. We could easily use their office hours to ask questions. I also liked studying in the Forum.
Why did you choose to study at Exeter?
I chose to study at Exeter because J.K. Rowling graduated there. After INTO, the reason of continuing my study at the University of Exeter was that I enjoyed the beautiful city, the friendly people, the supportive staff, the fantastic Forum, and all the friends I met. I never regret the decision of studying at Exeter and I will always miss the time I spent there.
What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?
Critical thinking; group discussion; reasoning with data and facts; teamwork.
What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?
Be creative and humble. Always listen to people’s opinions but don’t be afraid of questioning.
What are your plans for the future?
Learn more ‘hard’ skills for my current job. I may also consider a Master’s Degree in the future if deeper knowledge is required or I find some interesting topics I would like to do further research on.