Nilaanjan Haldar
Current Employer/Organisation Name
KPMG in India
What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?
I have been working as a management consultant at KPMG in India. More specifically, I work in the power and utilities sector.
Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?
Consulting is a really exciting career. What I enjoy most about my career is that I get to work on extremely interesting projects all the time. For example, in the past year itself, I have worked on projects in areas ranging from artificial intelligence to gender and social inclusion within the energy sector.
What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?
The aspect that I enjoyed the most about the programme was that we had several interesting elective modules to choose from in the second term. I remember thoroughly enjoying the lectures on sustainability – a subject that I’d never studied before. The biggest highlight was definitely the friends and connections that I made during my time there.
What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?
A skill that I have developed to a large part over the last few years is my ability to work with tight deadlines.
What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?
Focus on the basics – develop your report writing and research skills. Also, make sure you are highly proficient at PowerPoint, Excel, and Word – I cannot emphasize this enough.
What are your plans for the future?
I wish to continue working in consulting, and in the energy sector. However, no one really knows what the future holds.