Halina Jaroszewska
Current Employer/Organisation Name
What have you been doing since leaving Exeter, and what are you doing now?
Before starting my BA at Exeter for 7 years was in HR with M&S. After finished degree completed a PCGE also at Exeter. Then spent 16 years in education teaching and Year Leader in Middle Schools + Language Co-ordinator in Primary School + advisory role for Avon Primary Schools. Took 2 gap years. Followed by 9 years with Trinity Mirror Group as Senior Sales Executive & Deputy Office Manager. Made decision to go self-employed from 1999 to date developing my own coaching & training practice working with corporates, large businesses & not-for-profits with a strong commitment to working with women in leadership roles. Also I write as a thought leader both on LinkedIn as well as for my website www.halinajaroszewska.com I design & deliver bespoke training & workshops which I love creating.
Why did you choose this career? And what do you enjoy most about your work?
Having by chance designed ahead of my time a portfolio career mostly the next job /role seemed to just happen UNTIL I chose to take the risk and become self-employed as I loved coaching so much at which I am very good and successful. The teaching element which I loved too from my time in the education sector has transferred brilliantly into delivering training & workshop. Sheer delight working with teams and large groups to witness how they change and develop and achieve outstanding success. What do I enjoy most: working with people – that has been a theme throughout and a Sociology degree simply showcased that. What do I enjoy most about working as a coach & trainer? Walking alongside in partnership; reflecting successes & what could work better; asking those challenging powerful questions; helping people get really clear about their goals and the evidence that will demonstrate successful achievement. I work internationally – so throughout Europe, Africa, US & New Zealand as that is all done virtually. Trainings & workshops in the UK at the moment. I love and hugely appreciate the flexibility that working for myself gives. I am also an associate with several companies which brings in very different client work and exciting, interesting clients to work with.
Please tell us if you were a member of any societies, groups or sports clubs?
Co-ordinated the Sociology Society for 2 years.
What did you enjoy most about your programme and what was the biggest highlight?
The biggest highlight first: I chose to do a dissertation instead of one exam. That was the jewel in the whole degree programme for me. I loved the research and in fact discovered exactly when a concept had had its meaning changed which meant that my research was original. I attained 98% for it which was absolutely amazing. It made it clear to me that I would have loved to do dissertations instead of all the exams. What I enjoyed most about the whole programme was coming across lots of different ideas, having my thinking stretched, discovering a whole different world in academic terms. Being challenged to find out what I had taken for granted / never questioned / had always been puzzled by. What would have been great is if my work experience had been called on especially in the organisational component.
What did you enjoy most about studying here?
Being at a campus university as everything was easy to access. Being at a high end university in a small city in my home county so another aspect that created stability as I was moving from work into being a student. I loved the whole range of people I met some of whom are still important people in my life. The support that was quietly given. Being funded to read and research and think. So lucky.
Why did you choose to study at Exeter?
I was in a gap year having left M&S and a friend who was doing an MA at Exeter suggested that I did a Sociology degree and that I make an appointment to talk to the Professor. I did. He was amazing (probably shocked at this potential student booking time to talk to him – I had been dealing with Board Directors at M&S so a Professor was not a challenge) and he chose to take a chance on this mature student and offered me a place. And the rest is history. For which I am most appreciative.
What skills and experiences have been most useful for your career?
Being ultimately fascinated by people, how and why they do what they do. How well they know their behavioural preferences and how they can use them to best advantage. How aware they are of their emotional intelligence and how that information can help manage behaviours at work. All of this has emerged as a result of working with people from when I left school after A levels. Added to which my life experience too.
What advice would you give to a current student who wishes to pursue your career?
1. Get lots and lots of life experience so that you can walk your talk.
2. Essential = do a recognised coach training and also be a member of an internationally recognised coaching association through which get a recognised credential.
3. Planning relevant and thought disrupting Continuing Professional Development is vital for your professional health.
4. Know yourself inside out – work with a coach for yourself and a supervisor – deal with your stuff so you can be present entirely for your client/s.
What are your plans for the future?
To continue developing:
1. My coaching & training business.
2. My website.
3. A potential idea for a PhD .
4. My philosophy of only doing what sparks joy + creating those bliss moments + be in the moment .
5. My learning to keep me current.